
Better than Mozart and Jimmy Hendrix

In Looper Band, you will embody musicians who aim to reach to the top. Each musician will be unique based on a combination of 9 characteristics.

  • Face

  • Beard

  • Earrings

  • Eyebrows

  • Hairstyle

  • Mouth

  • Nose

  • Body

  • Eyes

You can recruit the musicians that best match the style of your ideal band:

Aside from their appearances, musicians will have 3 traits which will define their rarity from common to epic:

  • Number of retry: how many times you can play again, if you guess the wrong instrument in Band training

  • Energy bar: each time you play, the energy bar will deplete, the more energy the more you can train and battle

  • Visibility: this trait gives you a small chance to view what instrument the band is playing in PvE and PvP

Last updated